Monday, December 27, 2010

To Forgive

Apparently only God can forgive. And you have to jump through some hoops first. You have to talk to some old wank.

I mean I guess I can see really wanting to be forgiven for murder or some such.

But do you have to only confess to a designated representative under specific circumstances?

Baptism seems pretty fluid, at times, pun intended.

Maybe confession is too, is more, is the most.

Maybe you just need to get it off your chest.

To take on any responsibility for divine forgiveness seems like hubris and possible madness.

Maybe forgiveness is not divine at all.

Nor revenge, mind you. Some have to be put down like dogs. Maybe some people should never be forgiven.

But the silly shit. Shit where no one died or was crippled.

Don't do it again. Don't establish a pattern. Right?

Anyway, I want to be able to tell people they're cool in the hope that one of them will tell me the same.