Saturday, June 13, 2015

The Cat in the Hat

Haven't posted in a while. Meant to. Have some time today. Might post a lot.

Friend of Michelle's gave us some tomato plants. One tomatillo. I want to make salsa verde, because it's fun to say. Say it slow. Tell me that ain't fun. Turns out you really need two plants, because they don't really self pollinate. So I'll get another one. I know, it seems unlikely. Or is it? This is WNY. In NYC you can get whatever you want, as long as you have enough money. In WNY you always get what you don't expect. Meditate on that. I am. Because I think it's unlikely that I will find another tomatillo plant. But. Mine has already flowered, and it was hanging out with it's kin just a short while ago. And in WNY you always get what you don't expect. And no one ever expected things to work out up here. It's funny here. 20 years on from when I was last living here. Everyone was positive, back then, that the place could make a come back, no one knew how, and they pretty much had resigned themselves to living in hell.

The place is making a comeback. It's hopping. Ask anyone who's spent the last 10 years in Binghtoamton.

Ask anyone here and they are cautiously optimistic. I get it. Most of my ancestors are Irish.

Michelle and I met a guy last night who was trying to be a nihilist and we convinced him there was nothing in it.

Anyway, my tomatillo plant looks Seussian, so I'm naming him Ted.

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