Monday, May 25, 2015

A De-luxe Apartment in the Sky

Before Jen, Chuck and Stephanie came over yesterday, I got a chance to do some gardening. I moved Yukon Cornelius out of his tiny pot with his neighbors and into a bigger self watering container. He was the potato plant doing the best. So he was movin' on up. I was a little worried that the transplant would harm him. No, sir. I woke up this morning at about 5 am (I'm a farmer now) and that little asshole was now a bigger asshole.

I moved Cornelius's former neighbors away from the wall of the container a bit and added some more soil. Apparently, George and 'ouisie (as I call them now) noticed that Yukon C got new digs and have to get a piece of the pie, because they blew up over night, too.
Just as an aside, you can see the giant planter I got for Wagmiza, my Midwestern corn. Hopefully more on that later, but it was just planted yesterday.

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